Public Funds Division

Our Mission

Public Funds Division promotes governmental accountability through verifying the accuracy and reliability of information provided to the citizens of Wyoming, Legislature, Governor and other stakeholders.

Statement of Philosophy and Vision

Public Funds Fiscal Year 2022 Work Summary  <-Click here for report

Current Work in Process:

School District Funding Model Audits      

School District Component Audits       1 

Town Audits       2 

Follow-up Audits       2 

 Special District Audits       3 

 State Agency Performance Audits      

Collect, Analyze, Compile Local Government Financial Data Reports   900+

Collect, Analyze, FYE 2025 Budgets for Special Districts and Joint Powers Boards   680+


2024 Deadlines:

Upcoming Deadlines:  

       July 18, 2024

            2025 Budget hearings are required to be held not later than the third Thursday in July. (July 18, 2024)

       July 31, 2024

             Final Electronic Budget Forms for Special Districts including Joint Powers Boards due for submission to the Department Audit and 

County Commissioners. 

      August 30, 2024

           2024 Annual waiver request for Irrigation or Drainage District from the oversight requirements (i.e. follow-up paperwork), an annual written request must have been submitted no later than 30 days after the required annual filing of financial information with the courts.  

    September 30, 2024

           2024 Annual Survey of Local Government Finances forms are due

           2025 Budget Hearing Notices are due

           2024 Annual Report Summary are due for all entities. 

           2024 Proof of Cash, Internal Control, Self Audits forms, and CPA Engagement Letter are due (if applicable)

     December 31, 2024

     2024 CPA Reviews and CPA Audit Reports are due

     January 31, 2025    

            2024 Late Filing for CPA Audits

Past Deadlines:     

 June 1, 2024

    2025 Proposed Electronic Budget Forms for Special Districts including Joint Powers Boards due for submission to the Department of Audit 

and County Commissioners 

Wyoming Dept. of Audit Public Funds Division

Hathaway Building 2nd Floor 

2300 Capitol Avenue

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone:  (307) 777-7799

E-mail us at: